A rebrand design concept for Fila Manila, a Filipino-American food company focused on celebrating the joy of Filipino family, culture and delicious cuisine.


The design brief was to create a modern, illustrated and relevant design to Filipino culture.

I kept the current logo the same, but recoloured it to black text and a yellow sun. The main colour theme used in this packaging was yellow, blue and red - the colours of the Philippines flag.

The positioning of the star elements are intentional to represent where they are on the Philippines flag in correlation to the sun (the three corners).

The banana is a staple ingredient used in many Filipino recipes and meals. I decided to make the banana the main focal element of the design. The yellow banana can also be seen as a reference to the yellow sun and stars on the flag. Which is why I decided to make the text beside it blue and red.

Blue text is specifically on top, and red is on the bottom because of Philippines flag. When the colours are reversed on the flag it indicates war.

Blue text is specifically on top, and red is on the bottom because of Philippines flag. When the colours are reversed on the flag it indicates war.

The display font choice chosen for the label was inspired by the hand-painted letters on food carts, tricycles, and Jeepneys in the Philippines. This font, and these forms of transportation play a large part in Filipino culture.

In the case of the spicy banana ketchup design, I decided to illustrate a siling labuyo (Philippines chilli pepper), inside of a banana peel to represent the mixture of both flavours. This allows the sauce bottles to translate well together, but still maintain and communicate the flavour easily.

The label is placed on a translucent sauce bottle, so you can see the difference of colour in sauce too. The black cap is a modern choice, pairs well with both designs, and ties everything together.